Saturday, March 1, 2025

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Don’t Worry, Netflix Isn’t Abandoning Its Binge-Friendly TV Release Strategy Anytime Soon

A couple of days ago, streaming fans all over the world began to freak out over the idea that Netflix would be completely changing its business model and release series weekly instead of the everything-at-once model that fans seem to love. But according to the streaming service, reports of a Netflix release strategy overhaul are premature.

The whole situation started with news that Netflix was going to begin releasing series like “The Great British Baking Show” and the upcoming “Rhythm + Flow” as weekly series. The reports even speculated that this is part of a grand experiment to change from a bingeworthy release of popular series into a weekly release, in line with what Disney+ and Apple TV+ are doing with their respective streamers.

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But according to Netflix, itself, the streaming service isn’t abandoning the binge-friendly release strategy just yet. In fact, that isn’t even something on the radar, but instead, is just a special case scenario for the two aforementioned series.

“The weekly release of licensed titles (like Great British Baking Show) isn’t new and in hopes of keeping Rhythm + Flow’s winner a surprise, we’re trying something new! but not happening with more new shows than that,” tweeted the streamer.

So for those thinking that next season’s “Stranger Things” is going to be weekly and Netflix is just after your hard-earned streaming dollars by making you keep your subscription for longer, well, you can relax. As of now, at least, that’s not something that is in the cards.

But, if we do want to put our tin-foil, conspiracy theory hats on for just a second, there is a world where the success of Disney+ and Apple TV+ changes how streaming services operate. Why give fans everything they want right away when you can drag it out over the course of three months? If Netflix keeps seeing a decline or plateau in sign-ups, that could be a quick fix to the problem. We shall see.

For now, don’t worry. You can waste entire weekends on one TV series for the foreseeable future.

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