Steven Soderbergh Considering 'The Limey 2' With Terence Stamp & Michael Caine

“Tell them I’m coming… Again?” Normally, when you hear a story as wild as this you simply brush it off.

Steven Soderbergh making a sequel to a seemingly 0pen-and-shut story like “The Limey,” the terrific 1999 revenge noir starring Terence Stamp? [the temporal editing shifts make this fantastic movie]

But apparently it’s not bullshit. Soderbergh’s wife Jules Asner, a former E! host, was on the the Adam Carolla podcast last week and the two of them started discussing Soderbergh’s oeuvre and the film’s of his she like best. Both of them enthusiastically agreed that they loved, “The Limey,” and the Asner, dropped this little tidbit. “He wants to do a sequel to The Limey and Terence wants to do it.” We found the quote at Digital Spy and then confirmed it by listening to the Carolla podcast (it’s around the 21:20 mark). What Digitial Spy doesn’t transcribe is the second part of what she says which is cut off by the loudmouth Carolla who doesn’t even bother asking a follow-up question, he loves the sound of his voice so much. “…Terence wants to do it. Terence and Michael Caine.”

Soderbergh of course once described “The Limey” as “Alain Resnais making ‘Get Carter,’ ” and ‘Carter’ of course is a classic British 1971 gangster film starring Michael Caine. It’s all starting to make sense. But both these chaps are starting to get up there, especially Caine (see the elderly butler roles of late). It might be difficult to make him seem like a ruthless adversary to Stamp’s Wilson character. If they’re gonna attempt a sequel, they better get on it (in what’s sure to make Internet noise, /film says its Michael Keaton instead of Caine, but listen closely, they’ve misheard).

So, is this something that’s actively being worked on? Perhaps the new next project before “Cleo” and or “Liberace” now that the director is off “Moneyball”? Doesn’t really sound like it. Asner and Carolla do discuss “Liberace” briefly, and she still mentions Matt Damon and Michael Douglas as the leads of that project. So “Limey 2,” (or whatever it would be called, presumably not that) a pie-in-the-sky, “wouldn’t-that-be-fun?” project or something that will eventually happen? Hard to say, hopefully someone will ask the director about it soon to get more clarity.