Johnny Depp Puts More Doubt Into Terry Gilliams' 'Quixote,' Says 'Pirates 4,' and 'Dark Shadows' Are On

Wanna know what projects Johnny Depp is doing in the future, for sure?

Easy. Get him in an interview, hand him a checklist and get him to go to work. According to this piece of paper MTV put to ’em, Depp is 100% sure for “Pirates Of The Caribbean 4,” and the remake of “Dark Shadows,” but things like “Sin City 3” (almost positively just a rumor anyhow, since ‘2’ is not even on the docket anytime soon), “The Lone Ranger,” Terry Gilliam’s “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote,” and “Rex Mundi,” are either not happening or still enough in development that Depp doesn’t feel like they’re a sure thing.

Sucks for Terry Gilliam, but Depp has already suggested, he’s probably not going to have time to get lost in la mancha again.