Stephenie Meyer wishes “Twilight” star Robert Pattinson, the kid that provoked a riot for being a no-show at a mall appearance in San Franciso last night, had an Oscar Meyer weiner, we mean, an Oscar.
In fact, she apparently recently said, that Pattinson’s performance in the upcoming vampire tween film is, “Oscar-worthy.”
The Envelope writes: Meyer “realizes that the hope of Twilight” getting Oscar respect may have the blood drained out of it by the fact that this is a vampire romance and it’s basically aimed at teens,” according to Entertainment Weekly, but “when they see the movie — oh, my gosh — there’s no way not to love him!”
Though this is LOL’worthy on its own, ever funnier is Jeffrey Wells who says that Meyer should receive “a permanent cultural demerit,” for this ridiculous assertion. Man, we laughed when we read that.