Sunday, March 2, 2025

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Better ‘Revolutionary Road’ Reviews

This morning two trades had very opposing feelings. But now, more positive reviews pouring in of Sam Mendes’ “Revolutionary Road.”

Here’s Anne Thompson’s thoughts, another Variety writer and you can put this one in the “in favor of” column. Notice the love for Michael Shannon who seems to be on-tap for a Best Supporting nomination.

“[The film] is strictly an art-house play–and should score with the Academy. Mendes takes a more realistic and less stylized approach to this dysfunctional suburban family than he did on the Oscar-winning ‘American Beauty.’ The entire ensemble is first-rate: Shannon got a rousing round of applause at my screening for his role as the insane truth-teller who cuts through all the crap. The movie hits hard: some folks relate to it, others don’t.

That “some folks don’t relate to it” seems to aimed at someone. Younger audiences not married, perhaps? Dunno, no ring on this finger, but still very interested. Just a guess…

Anywhoo, Glen Kenny is also a fan. “It’s a pretty splendid film, far and away the best Mendes has made,” he writes. He also notes that it doesn’t pull punches.

“I hear there’s lots of, whaddya call it, Oscar buzz on this thing, and sentimental appeal on account of the Kate and Leonardo thing, and all. Which is all very sweet. That aside, this is a pretty uncompromisingly bleak picture (although Mendes does let in a glimmer of hope at the end that’s not in the novel and might not even be spotted right away by a lot of the novel’s fans)—one that I hope finds an audience.”

‘Rev Road’s stock just went up. Where’s that Playlist review!? 😉

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