Monday, March 3, 2025

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Bleeps & Bloops: U.K. Trailer For ‘Wreck-It-Ralph’ Puts A Quarter In & Boots Up

nullCould Disney deliver the inventive animated thrill we usually except from Pixar in 2012? It seems the roles between the two have been reversed because while the latter treads water and begins to lean on sequels, the former is bringing something genuinely exciting to the big screen.

"Wreck-It-Ralph" looks like it could be some quarter-feeding fun when it opens in a few weeks, and this new U.K. trailer certainly emphasizes that it's going to be a pretty dazzling bit of geek-out fun, especially for video games. The concept is both simple and pretty smart. It follows the title character, a video game bad guy, who isn't a "bad guy" and wants to try something different. So off he goes on an adventure through an array of arcade games that he's never experienced before, but unfortunately, he winds up putting the the world of Sugar Rush in peril and unleashes an enemy that could wipe out everyone.

And it looks like the animators had a helluva blast with this story. Gamers will recognize the various styles being represented — everything from POV shoot 'em ups to candy glossed racing games — with several nods and appearances to classic characters. But most of all, this actually looks fun and inviting. And aside from the jarring pop music soundtrack of the trailer, this is one we're eager to check out.

A B A B Up Down Up Down Select Start on November 2nd. [/Film]

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