Thank you Jeffrey Wells for getting back to us in a timely fashion. You’re basically the only blogger/writer we can find that is dropping fast, but telling reports on Steven Soderbergh’s “Che” two-part biopic, without being a live-blog-in-theater jagoff about it. Apparently, the second half of the film, “Guerrilla,” slayed as well. He’s also naturally telling us how other bloggers, too slow to file copy, feel about it.
The second half of ‘Che,’ also known as ‘Guerrilla,’ just got out about a half-hour ago, and equally delighted although it’s a different kind of film — tighter, darker (naturally, given the story). But I’ve been arguing with some colleagues who don’t like either film at all, or don’t think it’s commercial. Glenn Kenny and Kim Voynar feel as I do, but Anne Thompson is on the other side of the Grand Canyon. Peter Howell is in the enemy camp also.
A good note to end the day on. Whoa, hold the phone, Thompson is now up. She’s saying reactions are mixed. Some are calling it a “folly,” a “mess,” and “great.” Her own reaction? A “noble failure“…