“Deadpool Is Nothing But Tangents” Says Director Tim Miller, Plus New Images From The Film

DeadpoolOne of my small gripes about "The Avengers" movies, particularly ‘Age Of Ultron,’ is that it seemed like a scene can’t go by without a character having a perfectly insouciant quip at the ready. Much effort went into creating a light-heartened team dynamic that sometimes felt forced, but it seems those movies will have nothing on the upcoming "Deadpool." The film’s relentless marketing campaign has made it clear that Ryan Reynoldswill crack wise abstractly throughout, and it seems that a freewheeling, "anything goes" spirit is the driving force of the picture.

READ MORE: Review: Marvel’s ‘Avengers: Age Of Ultron’ Starring Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson & More 

“’Deadpool’ is nothing but tangents, and our attitude was just ‘Let’s embrace him,’” director Tim Miller told EW.  

“[The set] was an alternate-joke factory,” Reynolds added. “For one joke in the movie we wrote 16 versions.”

Hooray? I don’t about you, but a movie length version of a "Family Guy" episode that doesn’t know when to stop digressing into "funny" asides sounds tedious to me, but maybe I’m just not a fun person. "Deadpool" opens on February 12, 2016. Check out new images below via EW and Empire