Thursday, March 13, 2025

Got a Tip?

Death Cab For Cutie Explains How They Found Spike Jonze His ‘Wild Things’ Max

Our friends at MTV’s Subterranean blog recently did an interview with Death Cab For Cutie’s amiable bassist Nick Harmer and in the podcast, the DCFC member revealed how the band inadvertently found Spike Jonze his Max for his upcoming adaptation of “Where The Wild Things Are” (the boy coincidentally named Max Records, how perfect). Sub was kind enough to give us a sample of their podcast that you should check out in full.

“The boy, Max [Records] in the movie? The way he got his role in the film? One of his first ever appearances was in our [‘Stable Song’] video on [our] Directions DVD. Then he got recommended down the line.”

It works like this Aaron Stewart-Ahn directed ‘Stable,’ know video director/filmmaker Lance Bangs (videos for R.E.M., Belle & Sebastian, Grandaddy) who frequently works with Spike Jonze (in fact, Bangs and Jonze were working on a live Arcade Fire DVD at one point – we were at one of the shows where they filmed right next to us, but we’re not sure whatever happened to that DVD plan). And the rest as they say, is history. If and when ‘Wild Things’ becomes the movie classic we’re all hoping it is, Harmer will be able to say, “we knew him when…” Either that or he can disavow him if the film turns out to be a bomb. 😉 Let’s hope not though.

Watch: Death Cab For Cutie – “Stable Song”

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