Despite its origins, created by the animation pioneer Matt Groening, Netflix’s “Disenchantment” hasn’t experienced the cultural impact of the creator’s better-known series, “The Simpsons” and “Futurama.” However, it’s been a well-liked and steady performer for Netflix over the past several years. Now, it appears “Disenchantment” is coming to an end.
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As seen in the teaser for Season 5 of “Disenchantment,” the adult animated fairy-tale series is coming to an end. The teaser does a fine job of showing that there have been some crazy developments over the course of the previous four seasons, and it would seem that the people responsible for the show are putting everything on the table for the final season. What’s going to happen to Bean, Luci, and Elfo? We’ll find out soon enough.
The voice cast includes Abbi Jacobson, Eric Andre, Nat Faxon, John DiMaggio, Tress MacNeille, Richard Ayoade, Matt Berry, Noel Fielding, Meredith Hagner, David Herman, Sharon Horgan, Maurice LaMarche, Lucy Montgomery, and Billy West.
The final season of “Disenchantment” debuts on Netflix on September 1. You can watch the teaser below.
Here’s the synopsis:
It all endeth here. The misadventures of hard-hitting, hard-drinking Queen Bean, her feisty elf companion Elfo and her personal demon Luci culminate in an epic battle for Dreamland in the fifth and final installment of Matt Groening’s comedy fantasy series Disenchantment. To save Dreamland from Queen Dagmar’s wicked rule, Bean must vanquish her mother and outrun a prophecy that foretells she will kill someone she loves. The stakes are as high as ever as our heroes face Satan, a headless corpse, an evil stientist and most terrifying of all- their true destiny.