Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Got a Tip?

Even Chewing Gum Companies Fucking Hate Uwe Boll

Poor Uwe Boll. You gotta feel for him a little bit. The hack video game director has been under so much fire this year for making insipidly mediocre movies that even movie geeks who normally adore garbage like “Hostel,” “Transformers” and dreck like that detest his work and have basically called for his death (cinematic or otherwise) in the form of various and numerous online petitions.

Boll’s fought back in his grating, Germanic-way and he certainly doesn’t make it easier on himself and just irks the fanboys all the more (we’re still haven’t ascertained if he’s the world’s greatest deadpan comedian or what).

So there was that petition that asked for Boll to retire for good. Boll said he’d pack it all in only if 1 million signatures were signed (last time we checked it was at like 250k) so to add to all the contempt and bile and fuel this fire chewing gum company Stride (who?) announced that they would give away 1 million packs of free gum if the million signature goal is met.

That’s a lot of gum. The caveat? The million mark must be met by May 14 (maybe Stride is having some second quarter business issues we don’t know about). Nice little gimmick to capitalize on we suppose, but poor Boll, even gum companies we’ve never heard of are picking on the poor loser. We suppose this does give a little unintentional promotion to Boll’s un-PC comedy, “Postal,” which comes out mid May.

All we know is that Boll is gonna be pissed, when he hears that Gore Verbinski is biting his steez and just got hired to direct the video-game adaptation, “Bioshock.” This may mean war, people.

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