Ah, good old Uwe Boll. You can always trust him for A-1 laughs and entertainment. So of course, just yesterday we wrote about the online petition now signed by almost 150,000 nerds that basically demands that the schlocky video-game director Boll quit making movies because they’re soo awful (shit like ‘Blood Rayne‘)
In a very recent interview, Boll said he’d actually quit if one million signatures were signed and of course estimable nerd sites and champions of quality cinema (like third-graders AintItCoolNews) rant with that quote and took up the challenge (and geeks who would love to see quality versions of ‘DickChase Battle III’ responded in droves).
As you’d imagine, the thin-skinned, megalomaniacal and near-psychotic Boll has responded online in a clip posted on YouTube (via Slash) and it’s as amusing as you’d expect.
Through his thick German accent Boll says he wishes someone would start a pro-Boll petition and hopes one million people will sign that one (pssst, dude, you can start it yourself, but best of luck). His response is characteristically aggrandizing and melodramatic and of course wildly flails at contemporaries around him like Michael Bay and Eli Roth (filmmakers that these nerd sites pushing the petition generally enjoy).
“I’m not a fucking retard like Michael Bay or other people running around in the business or Eli Roth making the same shitty movie over and over again,” he said. “If you really look at my movies you will see my real genius. And if you go on May 23 to see [my upcoming film] ‘Postal,’ you will see that I deliver a movie that nobody else delivered in the last 10 years; that is way better than all the social critic, George Clooney bullshit what you get every fucking weekend. So, you have to really wake up and see me what I am: the only fucking genius in the business.”
However, the thing about Boll (and Germans in general), is his Sahara-dry sense of humor. You never really know when he’s joking or trying to provoke. These over-the-top proclamations of his filmmaking genius could easily be a sly, tongue in cheek joke to provoke Internet nerds, but dude is so stone-faced, you’d never know it.
Having proclaimed in the ‘Postal’ trailer (wearing Lederhosen and ghey German Oktoberfest hat no less) that the film was funded with Nazi bullion shows that the dude can be self-reflexive, self-aware and self-flagellating, but the director will also fly critics out to various U.S. locations get their teeth knocked in boxing matches if you piss him off enough, so he’s also pretty humorless.
You be the judge. Something tells us, it’s a little of both. Date-rape decalathonist and shlocky torture-porn director, Eli Roth has already responded to the video on his myspace blog, calling the video and diss, “the greatest compliment ever.”