After lots of behind-the-scenes turmoil, some wrangling with author E.L. James, who exercises greater than usual influence for a major studio book adaptation, the sex toys are back on the table as Universal gears up for the sequels to "Fifty Shades Of Grey." And they are going to keep the hotness cooking on set longer than last time.
Variety reports that that the studio is going to lens the follow-ups, "Fifty Shades Darker" and "Fifty Shades Freed," back-to-back. Insert your own pun-based sex joke here. There’s no exact reason why this approach will be taken, but generally speaking, it helps keep costs down, they don’t have to deal with any long gaps between pictures, and they only have to wrangle the cast to come back one more time. Whether or not audiences want to be tied up again, remains to be seen.
Production starts in early 2016 with “Fifty Shades Darker” to arrive on February 10, 2017 and “Fifty Shades Freed” on February 9, 2018. James Foley ("Glengarry Glen Ross," "House Of Cards") directs.