George Clooney Was Hurt By Quentin Tarantino's Movie Star Insult: "Dude, F*ck Off"

George Clooney has clearly entered the “no fucks given” era of his career. It probably didn’t hurt that he sold that liquor company and doesn’t need the money any longer. Regardless, he’s not going to sit back and let people talk about him anymore. Even if that means speaking ill of Quentin Tarantino.

In a new interview with GQ, George Clooney was talking about his career and his upcoming movie, “Wolfs.” Eventually, the interview came to the topic of famous directors that he and Brad Pitt worked with. As you might expect, given how Pitt has teamed up with Tarantino for multiple movies, the filmmaker was brought up. 

READ MORE: George Clooney Doesn’t Want To Work With A “Miserable F*ck Like David O. Russell” Again

It was then mentioned how Clooney starred with Tarantino in “From Dusk Till Dawn.” When Pitt said that Tarantino was “pretty good” in the film, Clooney replied with, “He was OK in it.” (His emphasis, not ours.) That’s when Clooney went into a bit of a Tarantino tangent.

“Quentin said some shit about me recently, so I’m a little irritated by him,” explained Clooney. “He did some interview where he was naming movie stars, and he was talking about [Pitt], and somebody else, and then this guy goes, ‘Well, what about George?’ He goes, he’s not a movie star. And then he literally said something like, ‘Name me a movie since the millennium.’ And I was like, ‘Since the millennium? That’s kind of my whole fucking career.’”

He added, “So now I’m like, all right, dude, fuck off. I don’t mind giving him shit. He gave me shit.”

Obviously, these comments aren’t as negative as what he also said about David O. Russell, but they do paint the picture of Clooney just not holding back anymore. Does this mean that Tarantino will be so upset that he won’t want to work with Clooney again? Who knows? But right now, it’s clear that Clooney is okay with Tarantino being a little hurt by the words.