Thursday, February 6, 2025

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“I Didn’t Quite Nail It”: Christian Bale Thinks His Performance Could’ve Been Better In ‘The Dark Knight’ Trilogy

nullWith "Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice" on the horizon, the question about Batman that will be debated in fanboy circles is a simple one: Who did it best? Some swear by Michael Keaton, only the most contrarian suggests Adam West, while many toot the horn for Christian Bale (including Morgan Freeman). However, the actor himself looks back on his work in Christopher Nolan‘s films quite critically, and thinks he could’ve done better. 

READ MORE: "I Think The Trailers Are Looking Great": Christian Bale On ‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice’

“I didn’t quite manage what I hoped I would throughout the trilogy,” Bale told Yahoo Movies. “Chris did, but my own sense of self is like, ‘I didn’t quite nail it.’”

Why is the actor’s outlook so glum on his performance? Well, he cites Heath Ledger‘s turn as the Joker in "The Dark Knight" as being “so much more interesting than me and what I’m doing.“ And perhaps it is, but it’s also the kind of role that has more flamboyance to it by nature than the buttoned up and internally conflicted Bruce Wayne. So don’t take it too hard, Bale.

We’ll see if Ben Affleck can joined the ranks of actors who got Batman right when ‘Dawn Of Justice’ opens on March 25th. Let us know what you thought of Bale’s turn in the comments section.

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