Jamie Foxx To Play Electro In 'The Amazing Spider-Man 2'

nullDamn, now this is how you raise the game for a sequel. With plans already underway to kill off Emma Stone's Gwen Stacy in order to match the tragic arc in the comics, the folks behind the second installment of "The Amazing Spider-Man" trilogy have bagged a helluva name to go toe-to-toe with Peter Parker.

Jamie Foxx is in early talks to play Electro in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2." As folks already know, the character was (kinda clunkily) teased at the end of "The Amazing Spider-Man," when some lightning flashes were the tease that the villain was on the way. With this "untold story" already hewing close to the comics anyway, it'll be interesting to see what narrative they stick to — Peter Parker being accused of being the alter ego of the villain; J. Jonah Jameson hiring Electro to bring down Spider-Man; Electro trying to take over the New York City power grid — but really, they have a lot of threads to choose from.

But as far as casting goes? Yep, we like it. From playing Django in "Django Unchained" to the President in "White House Down" and now this, we're going to be seeing Foxx in some pretty different roles and it's certainly a big profile boost for him. With Shailene Woodley slated for Mary Jane, and Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone set to return, production begins next spring and the sequel lands on May 2, 2014. Marc Webb directs. [Variety]