Friday, March 7, 2025

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Jared Leto Knows The Secret Answers To Your ‘Blade Runner’ & ‘The Little Things’ Questions

There are few people in the world of acting that are as polarizing as Jared Leto. And there are a number of reasons why people either love or hate him. Maybe it’s his career as a rock star that annoys some people? Or is it his Oscar-winning performance in “The Dallas Buyer’s Club,” which in hindsight can be viewed as offensive and distasteful? Perhaps, it’s the fact that he’s alleged to have sent horribly disgusting gifts to his “Suicide Squad” castmates? Regardless, there are a lot of reasons why people try to dunk on the actor. But honestly, he’s actually pretty damn talented and rarely turns in a dud of a performance. That said, one thing we know for certain is that Leto loves having secrets.

READ MORE: Jared Leto Denies Ever Giving Margot Robbie A Dead Rat On ‘Suicide Squad’ Set, Doesn’t Mention The Pig Carcass

Speaking in a recent GQ video where he breaks down his most iconic roles in films, including “Blade Runner 2049” and his most recent film, “The Little Things,” Leto talked about one of the best parts of acting in those films — the secrets that only he knows.

**Spoilers ahead for “Blade Runner 2049” and “The Little Things”**

If you’ve seen “Blade Runner” and/or Denis Villeneuve’s sequel, you know that one of the primary questions that exist in that universe is whether or not Deckard (Harrison Ford) is a Replicant or if he’s a human. Well, apparently during the filming of ‘2049,’ Villeneuve explained that only Leto’s character, Niander Wallace, is the only person who knows the truth because he is able to look in Deckard’s mind. And so, Villeneuve gave Leto the chance to decide for himself what the answer to that question is.

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In his most recent film, “The Little Things,” a similar situation presented itself. You have Leto playing a character that is the only one in the story that knows the truth about what happened to the victims of the killer. Did Albert Sparma commit those crimes? Or is he just playing a game with the detectives? We never find out a clear answer. But Leto knows the truth.

And it’s that knowledge that gives Leto the advantage over all those with their theories and opinions about those films. It’s a burden that the actor is well aware of.

READ MORE: ‘The Little Things’: Denzel Washington, Rami Malek & Jared Leto Star In A Surprisingly Decent Dad-Rock Version Of ‘Se7en’ [Review]

“There are two movies now where I know the answer and nobody else does,” Leto said in the video. “Denis [Villeneuve] told me on ‘Blade Runner’ that because I look inside of Harrison Ford’s mind, I’m the only one who knows if he is a replicant or not. So he said that I can decide, so I have that secret, and now on [‘The Little Things’] I have this secret to carry as well.”

So, is Deckard a Replicant? Did Albert Sparma kill those women? Jared Leto knows the truth and he’s not saying a word.

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