Josh Brolin Joins Growing Ensemble Cast Of Paul Thomas Anderson's 'Inherent Vice'

nullSo, is “Inherent Vice” shaping up to feature Paul Thomas Anderson‘s biggest ensemble cast since “Magnolia?” It sure seems that way at the moment, people are falling out of trees to take roles in this thing.

The latest to join the Thomas Pynchon adaptation is Josh Brolin and he’ll feature alongside a cast that already includes Joaquin Phoenix, Benicio Del Toro, Owen Wilson, Reese Witherspoon, Martin Short, Jena Malone and Kevin J. O’Connor with Sean Penn possibly maybe lending his talents as well. Set in 1970s Los Angeles, the story follows inept, pot-smoking private detective Doc Sportello as he investigates the case of a kidnapped girl, who also happens to be one of his ex-girlfriends. As you might guess, he runs into a variety of characters along the way.

No word yet on Brolin’s role, but cameras have already started rolling on PTA’s flick. [Deadline]