Monday, March 24, 2025

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‘Lovesick’ Creator Talks Season 4 & Name Change From ‘Scrotal Recall’

Sorry to go on about it, but “Lovesick” is seriously the best show you’re not watching on “Netflix.” Especially in the cold dead winter, the romantic dramedy is hilarious, warm and winning viewing, and the third season might just be the best yet. With some very dead movie months ahead, “Lovesick” is a terrific reason to stay indoors.


With that out of the way, fans know that the show revolves around the on again, off again romance between Dylan and Evie, and the third season finally sees them come together. But, is it for good? There are doubts and fears on both sides, with Dylan and Evie concerned about screwing up the relationship they’ve wanted for so long. Meanwhile, their friend Luke, who has previously been happy to bounce from bed to bed, finally settles down with Jonesy, who like him, also comes from a no-strings-attached background. Can they all make it work? Speaking with Vulture, creator Tom Edge lays out where he might take the story should Netflix renew the show for a fourth season.

“We’re all very protective of the show and we’re all incredibly grateful to our cast, whom, as you know, have a ton of options. No one is coming back to do this show because they’ve spent the last eight months throwing a tennis ball against a wall. We only ever want to do it if we feel like we have story to tell that adds a new dimension. I do feel like there is another season of story to tell,” he said. “This season is a little heavier at points — it is a little more melancholic, a lot of it is about individuals facing the cost of getting what they want, which is a lot less sprightly than early dating disasters. If we do do a fourth season, I have a sense of where we want to take the show. I think broadening its horizons but taking it back into slightly warmer, more upbeat territory would be the right thing to do. We’ve been thrilled to make the show for three seasons and will feel incredibly lucky if we get to make a fourth. Fingers crossed that people find it. It feels like we are often described as a hidden gem, but we would quite like to become simply gem-like at this point.”

So, c’mon people, give Netflix the data they need to keep this show going. However, it’s understandable if you might’ve brushed the series off when it first launched under its original name, “Scrotal Recall.” Even I scoffed and didn’t give it a chance until it was reintroduced under “Lovesick” (and after some prodding by friends), and Edge explains that “Scrotal Recall” was never his first choice for the title.

“It’s always assumed that Netflix mandated [the name change] in some way and that’s not the case. We actually asked them: Do you think our frat-boy nightmare of a name might be mis-selling the show? I think they researched mostly North Americans and they found that a majority of people who had watched the whole show and had given it a five-star rating wouldn’t recommend it to friends and family on the grounds that it might involve saying or writing the word ‘scrotal,’ ” he said. “Overall, probably five percent of our viewers think we gave up the greatest title ever appended to a TV show, but the majority just think we have undone a grave error. On balance, yeah, I’m happy we made that change. Certainly my grandmother is happy we made that change.”

As for how “Scrotal Recall” managed to stick in the first place, it’s the classic tale of a placeholder eventually just becoming the name that everyone, at the time, called it by.

“I hate choosing titles. I put [‘Scrotal Recall’] on a long list of titles with the words ‘Not this, obviously’ after that particular one. And then we started using it as a working title, then we got fond of it. We just forgot that it was terrible or at least deeply inappropriate and likely to become an albatross around our necks. I can’t hang that decision on anyone else, unfortunately,” Edge said.

“Lovesick” is now streaming on Netflix, and sorry, I’m going to do this one more time — don’t miss it.

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