Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Got a Tip?

Madonna Talks Malawi Aids Documentary Which Plays During Tribeca Film Festival; Which Conveniently Starts Tomorrow

The Tribeca Film festival opens tomorrow. We listed our Tribeca highlights a few weeks ago and Spoutblog did a nice job of listing theirs today which reminds us of the Madonna-produced documentary about orphans with AIDS in Malawi, “I Am Because We Are.”

Which also reminds us New York Magazine spoke to Madge about her “filmmaking” career which includes her much-despised directorial debut “Filth & Wisdom.” The highlights (or parts we care about) below.

In the [documentary], you look at one ritual in which a young woman is told she must have sex with a man three times in a day, in order to “cleanse” her.
It’s not my place to judge that tradition. But to have a conversation with a village headsman and say, “Do you realize this is spreading a deadly disease?” and have him say, “Yes, but there’s nothing I can do” is mind-bogglingly frustrating. But we drop bombs on children during wartime, so you think, Well, who’s practicing black magic?

You just directed your first movie, too. And you almost sound more excited about film than music.
Yeah, actually. I have a record to promote and that’s great, but I loved going to the Berlin Film Festival—it was the first time in my career that no one asked me a personal question. When you’re a pop star, everyone feels entitled to know what color your underpants are.

Tribeca seems ok. We’ve already seen most of the festival’s highlights (no.1 being Harmony Korine’s “Mister Lonely”). So, we’re not going to bust ass to see anything, but it would be nice to see Guy Maddin’s “My Winnipeg” and “Lou Reed’s Berlin” directed by our fave incorrigible teddy bear Julian Schnabel. If anyone has an in to either of those or list spots, please let us know.

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