Let the acting cat fight begin, right? The National Ledger and other sources are re-reporting a Contact Music UK (an irreputable, inflammatory and sensationlist British rag) interview with Maggie Gyllenhaal where the actress apparently knocks on Katie Holmes in the original “Batman Begins.”
First off, remember who Contact Music is, secondly the Ledger piece tries to be just as provocative and a lot of these quotes feel extremely taken out of context, but that’s the British press for you.
Trying to start beef. Contact Music ran this quote:
“I’m not thinking of it as a role that anyone’s played before. I’m not walking into Katie Holmes’ performance. I’m thinking of it as an opportunity to play somebody who’s alive and smart. Chris asked me to do this because he wanted me, not because he wants some generic lady in a dress.”
And now everyone is speculating that this is a not-so-thinly veiled dig on Holmes. It just seems like stirring the pot nonsense, but it is what is is. Entering the Holmes-Cruise sphere always gets the media salivating for a good juicy story that usually isn’t there. Look for a response or a clarification later in the day when it gets picked up and naturally out of hand.