Update: Looks like this isn’t the only thing on Fox’s plate, she’s just joined the cast of “Jonah Hex” (ok, final negotiations, but that basically means done deal).
Perennially underdressed starlet, Megan Fox is attached to star in “Fathom,” for Fox Atomic, a graphic novel about an half-dressed Aqua Woman-like character.
The guy writing the script is best known for his award-winning work on the “Prince of Persia video game. In 2002, the film was green light as a feature film for director James Cameron (hey, he wanted to do Aquaman, there’s the joke) and his production company Lightstorm Entertainment, but nothing ever came to fruition.
Apparently Fox’s character is “found abandoned on a ship and is adopted by a military man. She becomes a champion swimmer and marine biologist who comes of age realizing she has water-based powers and is part of an underwater race.” Umm, ok. Underwater films ain’t cheap and when was the last time you saw Fox Atomic with an enormous budget? They did do “28 Weeks Later,” but again, the life aquatic poses tons of obstacles and budgets tend to inflate when you’re at sea. [Variety]