Michael Bay Does Full 180 On 3D, Says He Loves The Technology

“I think 3-D is going to be a fad. I personally don’t like 3-D. The glasses impair your peripheral vision. If the studios want to push any technology, it should be IMAX. That’s much more immersive.” — Michael Bay, April 2009

“Wow, I read these morons on the internet who think they are in the know. ‘We have have problems with our 3D????’ Really? Come into my edit room and I will show you beautiful 3D. There has never been a live action show that has pushed the boundaries of 3D like “Transformers 3“. We shot the entire movie with 3D cameras. I actually loved shooting in 3D.” – Michael Bay, November 2010

With the director now headed into post-production on “Transformers: The Dark Of The Moon,” Michael Bay has completely reversed his opinion on 3D in the course of twelve months now trumpeting the format he once called a “fad” and inferior to IMAX. And good thing too since he shot the third installment of his smashing robots franchise in 3D.

In a post that now seems to have been removed from his website the director, who appears to have had one too many cans of Four Loko, seems to chastise colleagues who’ve had issues with the format and then advises his fans that next summer, they should pony up the dough for the glasses to watch Shia LaBeouf run away from CGI effects saying, “don’t watch this movie in 2D, we made it for 3D.”

Michael Bay promises more (hopefully less drunk) thoughts on the 3D shoot saying, “I will give full details of my process and why I liked 3D in the next week right before the Transformers announcement piece comes out on ‘Tron‘ and ‘Narnia,'” which we presume means that a teaser trailer of some sort will be attached to those films.

So there you have it. Michael Bay is now total BFFs with 3D and has invited you into his editing suite. A whole bunch of robots will make loud clanging noises on July 1, 2011. [Michael Bay via Screen Junkies]