Mike Myers Insists He's Still Not Too Old Or Unfunny To Play Keith Moon

Though it’s been seemingly a decade since he brought it up, unfunnyman, Mike Myers, who recently talked to MTV about getting ready to rape audiences with the unhilarity that will surely be “The Love Guru,” said he’s still up for playing the part of Keith Moon in the long-gestating biopic of the departed Who drummer /decathalon binge drinker, “See Me Feel Me: Keith Moon Naked for Your Pleasure.”

“I always loved Keith Moon, and I love the music of the Who. Keith Moon redefined drumming. And he’s a composer … he didn’t just keep time, although that’s no small thing. He kept time and he interacted with [Who frontman] Roger Daltrey. … His life is just so colorful and fascinating.”

When asked more about the project, Myers went into some deep, pretentious k-hole that suggests the actor was high on goofballs during the interview. “His name is Moon, and a moon is a non-self-luminous object,” Myers said nonsensically. “It requires sunlight of others in order to be seen. If there’s no sun, the moon is invisible. And the script so far is about how important it is to … be your own star and not be a moon, ironically. It becomes a cautionary tale of drugs. I mean, they are not the answer, and in this movie you see how not the answer they are.”

Umm, appropos of that…