Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Got a Tip?

New British ‘Che’ Poster Is A Vast Improvement

Steven Soderbergh’s two-part epic, “Che” has itself another poster. This one from the U.K. It’s still not 100% there, but it’s surely better than the French posters where they look like the airbrushed Benicio del Toro’s face all to hell (they missed the tone for sure).

They’ve got the agit-prop idea down well, but the execution isn’t terrific considering the designers they probably have. We know friends who could design circles around this thing. Oh well, it is an improvement.

Meanwhile, another positive review comes from the Canada and InContention’s John Foote is from the U.K., maybe L.A.) although it does posit that “Che” is “great,” but why it’s not “Oscar material.”

Hmm, for Best Picture? Yeah, we can go with that. We loved it, but never really thought it would be Best Picture material it’s too unconventional for that. But Benicio del Toro for Best Actor? Hells yeah, though yes, we remain skeptical that this will happen unfortunately. Would be nice though.

This might be the best graph we’ve read about “Che.” It really nails how we felt about it and we honestly wish we had said as much.

Why did I like “Che” so much? It seemed to me that Steven Soderbergh and his crew had somehow jumped into a time machine and emerged to plunk their cameras down and capture the life of Ernesto Guevera on film for this generation. Benicio Del Toro, in a performance of enormous beauty and restraint, slips under the skin of the character and simply inhabits him for four-and-a-half hours. No grandstanding, no huge emotional scenes, he simply is.”

Umm, excuse me, but fuck yeah. A Best Picture Nomination for “Che” will never happen in a million years, but del Toro? It is possible, here’s to hoping.

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