Saturday, February 1, 2025

Got a Tip?

New ‘Inglourious Basterds’ Teaser Trailer Reveals The One Unaccounted For Basterd Soldier

More previously unseen footage of Quentin Tarantino’s WWII saga, “Inglourious Basterds” has hit the web. First is an extended teaser clip from Entertainment Tonight that’s significantly different from the first teaser clip we’ve already seen and the second is a new scene via Universal Germany. If you haven’t seen the film, the clips provide more scenes Brad Pitt’s goofy accent and some shot of him in his white tux (we’re honestly not sure where that slapsticky shot of him being pulled away by German soldiers was even in the version of the movie we saw).

For us, since we’ve seen the film (or at least teammates Sam & I did at Cannes), it helps us find some nerdy clues we’ve been thinking about. At one point, we poured over this script rather meticulously. While, the synopsis of the film generally talk about eight Basterd soldiers, plus Lt. Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt), recruited into his little army of Nazi scalpers, but as we wrote while analyzing the screenplay. “There’s nine (or ten) Basterds, but only six of them have lines and screentime” (the speaking parts slightly change in the final film version, and that number would now be seven as Omar Doom gets significant more screentime — cause he doesn’t even exist in the original version or at least is never mentioned by name).

We were basically right. There’s ten of them, all of which you can see above. Every actor is accounted for – 1. Brad Pitt, 2. Eli Roth, 3. Samm Levine, 4. B.J. Novak, 5. Paul Rust, 6. Michael Bacall, 7. Gedeon Burkhardt, 8. Omar Doom, and 9. Til Schweiger (being liberated in the scene below) – except for one. Who is this dude pictured? It’s something we whispered over during the screening at Cannes, but didn’t have a visual reference until now. Don’t say it’s Paul Rust, cause you see him in line earlier, trust us (here’s a shot of Rust and this unknown guy). According to IMDB, there’s a Carlos Fidel who plays Private First Class Simon Sakowitz (note the Jewish last name) who was the second assistant director on ‘Basterds,’ so it’s gotta be him (again, don’t look for Bacall, Doom or Rust’s characters in the script, they’re not in there by name).

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