Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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New ‘Scott Pilgrim’ Poster Reveals 3 Clues

At a recent Vegas Licensing trade show snaps of a new “Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World” poster were taken (there were also posters for “Iron Man 2” and Johnny Depp’s “Rango,” but this one was the only one with credits so it interested us), but we like to dig a little deeper than just, “hey, look! Cooooool.” 😉 Or at least, generally we do.

It’s hard to tell in this smaller version we have here, but if you blow up the large version you can strain your eyes enough to find three interesting details (and give yourself a painful headache).

1. Let’s start with the obvious: In theaters 2010. You obviously guessed that, but we’ve also been told by people working on the film that a summer 2010 release is being eyed, so that serves to match. It also lends further credence to our claim that there’s probably little way that ‘Pilgrim’ director Edgar Wright can start working on “The World’s End” with Simon Pegg and Nick Frost in the fall (as Pegg hopes), because Wright will be in full-on post-production mode for ‘Pilgrim’ (then again N&P could start writing…).

2. The script is now credited to Michael Bacall & Edgar Wright which means the original script floating around (and credited to Bacall only) may have been significantly changed/probably significantly changed enough for Wright to get credit. Though Wright is a good writer, this worries us slightly only because the draft we read, which deviates a lot from the “Scott Pilgrim” comics after Volumes 1-2, is sharp, funny as all get out, clever and tremendously enjoyable. Dare we say we enjoyed some of the changes more than we did the original comic book (which is great too, but just sayin’).

3. Jason Schwartzman, who we’re not sure if he’s been officially confirmed as part of the project — though we essentially broke that news (no, really, argue all you want) — is listed in the credits so if still had doubts for some reason, you don’t now.

4. Foiled, we were hoping there were music credits like a composer, but there were none, but producers keep hinting that the soundtrack is going to be powerhouse full of names. So far we know Nigel Godrich of Radiohead/Beck producing fame is involved, synth-rockers Metric, Chris Murphy from Canadian rockers Sloan and indie collective Broken Social Scene (we’ve heard a few other good ones too, but they’re simply rumors for now, so we’ll keep them under our hat until there’s something more concrete).

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