It’s incredible how quickly after “Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice,” a film that Warner Bros. Entertainment CEO Kevin Tsujihara and the rest of the company sounded extremely confident about in the months leading up to it, the company decided to shift gears.
The early boasting of a more “serious” tone and a “filmmaker first” mandate has led to petitions asking for Zack Snyder to be replaced on future D.C. Films. In fact, what was called the “Snyder-verse” — his conception of the entire DC Universe of films — sounds like it has been slowly dismantled in the wake of ‘Batman v Superman’ as Ben Affleck was made executive producer of “Justice League,” DC chief Geoff Johns has been tapped to head up the newly established DC Films and longtime exec Charles Roven has seen his role diminished. All the fanboys who said the studio wouldn’t course correct after ‘Batman v Superman’ have been eating their words bitterly in the last few weeks.
READ MORE: Too Big To Fail: What ‘Batman v Superman’ Tells Us About Blockbuster Culture
So a lot is riding on “Suicide Squad,” a movie whose trailers have been met with great response, but still finds Warner Bros. doing everything they can to lighten the tone. Realizing the dark and grim mood of ‘Batman v Superman’ backfired, they ordered reshoots to add more humor and levity to the picture (apparently all the jokes were in the trailer and there weren’t more laughs to go around). So “Suicide Squad” is the egg that WB might be putting in all their baskets: the company has set a sequel already and is reportedly developing spin-off films for characters like Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn.
But one step at a time. New characters posters have arrived for the upcoming “Suicide Squad,” highlighting the villains that are forced to work for the government in exchange for their freedom. Considered expendable, at least in the comics, it’ll be interesting to see if they off any of the characters (and if they want to stick to the stakes of the original comics—they absolutely should).
“Suicide Squad” opens on August 5th, and we’ll see if it’s WB’s superhero saving grace. [Latino Review]