Wednesday, March 26, 2025

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Ranked: The Weird, Strange & Beloved Outer Rim Characters Of The ‘Star Wars’ Universe

Star Wars Secondary Characters
5. Biggs Darklighter
As Seen In: ‘Episode IV: A New Hope’
Who Is He? Luke’s childhood friend from Tatooine, who died one of the most heroic deaths during the Battle of Yavin. “It’ll be like old times, Luke, they’ll never stop us!” is one of Darklighter’s only lines in the film (delivered by Garrick Hagon with great oomph) and just as many other underdogs and outcasts on this list, Darklighter is the kind of character that had a tremendous impact in shaping the personality of a major character – in this case, Luke. Before Obi Wan Kenobi came into Luke’s life and his ego exponentially grew in size; it was Biggs Darklighter Luke wanted to be more than anyone else. Probably. Sacrificing himself in the battle so that Luke can save the day, Darklighter is an absolute legend of the Rouge Squadron.
Defining Characteristic
: A “Top Gun” – like eagerness to fly, and a ‘stache that can only be rivaled by Major Bren Derlin.

Star Wars Secondary Characters

4. Greedo
As Seen In: ‘Episode IV: A New Hope’
Who Is He? A Rodian bounty hunter who is the first to get a shot (see what I did there?) at capturing Han Solo for Jabba, and the first of many who fails. When Obi Wan and Luke are about to enlist Han Solo for his piloting prowess, Greedo gets in the way for a few seconds with his classic opener, “Going somewhere, Solo?” During their discussion, in one of the series’ first bilingual exchanges between a human and an alien, Greedo almost gets the better of Han, but is promptly shot to death. Besides his spiffy vest and uniquely green horse-fly look, Greedo is a legendary minor character because he represents everything that’s silly about George Lucas’ retouches to the series.
Defining Characteristic
: His name doesn’t leave room for much else, does it? Dude is greedy ‘til death.

Star Wars Secondary Characters

3. Grand Moff Tarkin
As Seen In: ‘Episode IV: A New Hope’
Who Is He? He’s like the General Grievous of the original trilogy except a hundred times more memorable; a minor character in the overall saga, who was kind-of-sort-of the main villain in ‘Episode IV,’ right before Darth Vader became one of cinema’s ultimate bad guys. Played by the fantastic character actor Peter Cushing (in a performance so deliciously evil and wholesome, any of the character’s appearances in other Episodes are being ignored for the purposes of this article), Tarkin deserves the title of ‘Grand Moff’ over anyone else because he’s so good at keeping Vader in check. He also destroys Leia’s whole planet with a single button just to prove the power of the Death Star. I mean, shit, not even the Emperor does that.
Defining Characteristic: Blink-and-you’ll-miss-them facial twitches whenever someone asks him an annoying question.

Star Wars Secondary Characters
2. Admiral Gial Ackbar
As Seen In: ‘Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi’
Who Is He? He’s like the opposite of Dr. Zoidberg, despite looking like his live-action doppelganger. Mon Mothma introduces us to Ackbar, the Admiral who steers everyone towards victory during the Battle of Endor, as someone who saved an entire people from being the Emperor’s slaves. His race is known as the Mon Calamari (really, Lucas?) and he’s as high-ranking as you’ll get in terms of both pure goodness and military ranks in the Alliance. Of what feels like a thousand and one species found in the “Star Wars” galaxy, Ackbar is the first to stand out — not only because of his crucial part during the final confrontation that sealed both Vader’s and the Emperor’s fates, but because “it’s a trap!” (Had to be said.)
Defining Characteristic: A whole lot of virtues, no doubt, but sensing traps is the one that sticks most readily to mind.

Star Wars Secondary Characters
1. Wedge Antilles
As Seen In: ‘Episode IV: A New Hope,’ ‘Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back,’ ‘Episode VI: The Return of the Jedi’
Who Is He? As one of only two survivors from the Battle of Yavin (you know who the other one is), Wedge Antilles would go on to be one of the founding members of Rogue Squadron and participate in the Battle of Hoth and the Battle of Endor, not only surviving on both occasions but — together with Lando — striking one of the fatal blows to Death Star II. While the likes of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and Lando Calrissian hog the spotlight, it’s the Wedge Antilles’ who get shit done without making a fuss about it. With barely a full page of dialogue in all three films combined, Antilles is our No. 1 odds & sods ‘Star Wars’ character because he’s a brilliant fighter pilot who fights for the good side and who’s seen it all.
Defining Characteristic: Survivor.

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