'Scott Pilgrim' Has No Animation After All?

Hold it right there comic book geeks! Looks like you fell for another whisper campaign and this time it was at no less skilled hands than Superman himself, Brandon Routh. Don’t you just love when actors with bit parts in movies don’t really know what’s going on, drop some nugget in an interview and then the whole Interwebs loses its shit a little?

Now we’ve got Mark Webber (who’s an equally bit player in the movie as the character Stephen Stills) and Scott Pilgrim creator Bryan Lee O’Malley saying, via MTV, the film will not have any animation, but that you can expect some CGI type enhancement in the fight scenes. “I am under the impression now that there’s no animation — it’s a live-action film,” Webber told MTV. “Any of the motion capture and green-screen effects are going to be to accentuate the realism that we’re going for.”

Don’t fly off the handle too quick you hyper imaginative little boogers, they just started filming this thing last week. Everything could still change in the editing room.