Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Got a Tip?

“Twilight” Star Robert Pattinson Calls Author Stephenie Meyers ‘Mad’; And Perhaps A Total Quack

The Playlist came across this E! Online interview with “Twilight” star/riot inciter/heartthrob Robert Pattinson. In the course of this unedited clip, Pattinson burps during an answer, flashes his pit stains and remains completely sexy enough that I’d at least make out with him. At the very end, however, the interviewer asks him the rather innocuous (and omnipresent) question of why people are so enamored with the world of “Twilight.” Pattinson responds by saying:

“…when I read [Twilight], it seemed like I was convinced [author] Stephenie [Meyers] was convinced she was [the book’s lead character] Bella and it was like it was a book that wasn’t supposed to be published. It was like reading her sexual fantasy, especially when she said it was based on a dream and it was like, ‘Oh I’ve had this dream about this really sexy guy,’ and she just writes this book about it. Some things about [Pattinson’s character] Edward are so specific, I was just convinced – I was like, ‘This woman is mad. She’s completely mad and she’s in love with her own fictional creation.'”

Um, could someone get this dude a copy of Anne Rice’s ‘Sleeping Beauty’ erotica series and The Beatles at Shea Stadium ASAP? While Breaking Dawn, the fourth book in the Twilight series is totally full on a Meyers sex fantasy fulfilled, the first book is down right prude (at least in a world where the Gossip Girl series is there as a how-to sex manual). Too prude, frankly – Meyers real life religious beliefs stopped her characters from having any fictional sex until they got married.

Is Meyers, however, in love with her own fictional creation and/or a nutter? Oh yes, without a doubt, and cemented by her pronouncement that Pattinson’s acting in the film is Oscar worthy.

Other people who are just a little bit in love with Robert Pattinson? Perhaps Pattinson himself, who tells our friends at the L.A. Times that he is personally making the film better with the inclusion of two of his songs in the movie. Pattinson goes on to say he’s not trying to gain a music career but is keeping the option open in case acting doesn’t work out. We laughed our asses off about that until we saw the news that the “Twilight” soundtrack came in at #1 on the Billboard charts this week with sales of over 164K copies – a feat that even “High School Musical 3” couldn’t accomplish earlier this fall. Interestingly, 29% of “Twilight” sales were digital, making it the second biggest week ever for digital sales of a soundtrack, second only to “High School Musical 2.”

We still prefer The Playlist’s alternate universe “Twilight” soundtrack.

Pattinson also mentions in the E! interview that he’s signed on for a “Twilight” trilogy, if such a thing should happen. Director Catherine Hardwicke tells MTV News that if “Twilight” makes $150M there will be a second “Twilight” movie for all you crazy women who are obsessive voyeurs in love with a fictional character. Pattinson will continue to find you disdainful while composing weepy little guitar dittys.

Listen: Robert Pattinson – “Never Think” – from the “Twilight” Soundtrack

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