Sunday, March 2, 2025

Got a Tip?

Watch: 10 Minute Clip From Disney’s ‘John Carter’


It's been a long time coming but with the imminent release of "John Carter," Disney seem to have finally woken up and remembered that they have a job to do in marketing the movie. While this writer has seen and failed to buy in to the movie amid mountains of exposition, there's still enough promise there for a stronger sequel, and enough demonstrable care and dedication in the craft that it's hard not to will it to do well at the box office and avoid being the disaster some have predicted it will be.

You would have thought that Disney would be hoping for that more than anyone else but they seem to have been oddly ambivalent towards Andrew Stanton's film for the most part. So now, in the week of release, the decision has been made to release a ten minute scene from the movie to try and stoke some late interest. For those who would have been scared off by the presence of 'Of Mars' in the title then this clip is for you – it's entirely set on our lovely planet Earth and is taken from roughly the second ten minutes of the film.

We see Daryl Sabara's Edgar Rice Burroughs beginning to read John Carter's story, and then we meet Taylor Kitsch's John Carter as he encounters a group of Confederate Army soldiers. There's action, there's humour (in fact, there's the movie's funniest sequence on show here), there's Bryan Cranston. What more could you possibly want? Oh, what's that, you want to see some Barsoom-set action? Well luckily there's another clip here which shows John Carter with Lynn Collins engaging in a bit of friendly banter in a Martian cave (via MTV).

If you're anything like this writer then you're the kind of person who avoids big ten-minute clips before seeing a movie, but if you're really not sure whether you want to see the movie or not then maybe give the longer clip a go as it will likely help you make up your mind before the film is released in almost every territory imaginable later this week.

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