Watch: 14 Minutes Of Featurettes Explore 'Game Of Thrones' Season 5 Finale

Game of Thrones, Mother's MercyIf you’re trying to get through the day without a word of what happened on last night’s season five finale of "Game Of Thrones" reaching your ears, well, good luck. But for those of you who did watch, and are mourning the death of Jon Snow, a batch of new featurettes dig deep into the shocking capper.

The lengthiest of all is the nearly ten-minute long "Inside The Episode," which as the title suggests, takes a walkthrough all the major developments that occurred across "Mother’s Mercy," including Jon Snow’s surprising demise. After that are closer looks at Cersei’s walk of atonement and Mycella’s long farewell. And for a bonus treat, there’s a clip of Dany surrounded by a bunch of Dothraki. Ruh roh.

READ MORE: "Dead Is Dead": ‘Game Of Thrones’ Team Talk Season 5 Finale’s Shocking Character Death 

Check it all about below and if you have any thoughts on what will happen in season six, share ’em below.