Wavering somewhere between a plain dumb action movie and a knowing riff on the plain dumb action movie, we continue to be cautiously optimistic about "Lockout" but this new, extended 5 minute look at footage at the film highlights both the good and the bad of what we can expect from the film when it opens in a couple of weeks.
Unspooling at WonderCon, the first half of the clip is perhaps the most uninspired peek at the movie we've seen yet. Our hero Guy Pearce grapples with an inmate in some kind of turbine/wind tunnel thing in a scene that feels like we've seen from countless other movies (the setting was last used by "Mission: Impossible — Ghost Protocol"). The action isn't very good or even interesting, and not even the quip about "hanging around" is enough to raise a chuckle (or the pulse). The second half of the video is a bit more promising with the inmates trying to flush out the President's daughter from a locked room. We won't tell you what happens next, but let's just say the filmmakers use Quentin Tarantino's hypodermic needle from "Pulp Fiction" and take it one step further. It's pretty delightfully queasy.
"Lockout" arrives on April 13th — take a look below. [IGN]