Watch: L.A. River Chase Scene From ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’ Recreated In ‘Grand Theft Auto V’

Terminator 2: Judgement Day

With James Cameron so intent on pushing filmmaking further and further into the digital realm, pursuing 3D and computer technology capable of matching reality to a photo-realistic level, it’s surprising that his focus hasn’t turned more towards video games. He’s credited consoles like the Nintendo 3DS in powering 3D cinema while rarely dipping into that format for telling stories, but as a new video proves, that hasn’t stopped gamers from attempting the director’s signature style.

The ability to create cutscenes from gameplay has blown the doors open on how people frame their in-game accomplishments, and, combined with YouTube, how they share it. For some, that option allows for level walkthroughs and bragging rights; for others, like YouTube user John Chapman and his “Grand Theft Auto V” online team, recreating “Terminator 2: Judgment Day” seems the better, more entertaining option. Indeed, in a recently uploaded video (via Uproxx) the group pays homage to the motorcycle chase scene in Cameron’s sequel, complete with an accurate trip down the L.A. River as seen in the film.

It’s a great bit of loving tribute that must’ve taken ages to get right, and considering the geographical accuracy and freedom that Rockstar Games have unlocked with “GTAV” and Los Angeles, we’d be surprised if feature-length odes to “T2,” or “Heat,” or (why not) “Los Angeles Plays Itself” start appearing soon enough. Until then though, catch the clip below alongside the original scene from Cameron’s 1991 classic.