Monday, March 3, 2025

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Watch: Teasers For Season 5 Of ‘True Blood’ & Season 3 Of ‘Boardwalk Empire’

nullHot on the heels of the excellent preview of Aaron Sorkin's "The Newsroom," HBO is continuing to serve up the goodies early this week dropping teasers for the forthcoming seasons of "True Blood" and "Boardwalk Empire."

Let's start off with the vampire series — which was never more than guilty pleasure entertainment at best — which is coming off what is arguably the worst season its ever had. With show's best character Erik Northman (Alexander Skarsgard) spending most of season 4 as an emasculated, sensitive version of himself after tangling with witches, there was very little else to hang on to (Anna Paquin's Sookie Stackhouse has always been the show's weak point, even as the lead). But the finale at least promised season five could return to some fun with anti-vampire advocate Steve Newlin (Michael McMillan) now returning with literal fangs, and a warning that Terry could be up to some nasty things next season. So we shall see and this teaser gives fans snatches of scenes from the show's upcoming fifth season which starts in June.

Meanwhile, the "Boardwalk Empire" preview is a bit more disappointing, most made up of dialogue snippets. With a major character death in season 2 and crazy Paz De La Huerta essentially being written out (though Terence Winter recently said she could possibly return in some fashion, though we're not holding our breath) we're eager to see what's going on with Nucky and co. next. Watch below. [Dark Horizons]

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