In the world of superheroes, there’s no greater quest than the one for redemption. While “X-Men Origins: Wolverine” might have been a financial success, it left a bit of a sour taste in the mouths of critics and fans alike. Even Hugh Jackman has spent much of press time for “The Wolverine” distancing it from ‘Origins,’ which he acknowledges let fanboys down. With a second shot at a solo-film coming up on this summer, will this new movie be able to win back the heart and minds of fans? If these latest clips are any indication, they are certainly going for broke.
In this new clip, Logan takes on a bunch of wedding crashers with extreme prejudice. The second clip is a small featurette featuring Hugh Jackman talking about the loner nature of the Wolverine character. It’s mostly a barrage of clips, though it does give us more Wolverine action to digest. After that, you can get a taste of the film’s villain with a featurette dedicated to Harada/Silver Samurai. Do you think it’s coming together to be the standalone movie fans have been waiting for?
Guess we’ll find out when “The Wolverine” hits theaters on July 26th.