Zack Snyder Says He Would "Absolutely" Continue His DCEU Films If Netflix Owned The Rights: "No Question"

It’s difficult to know whether or not Zack Snyder is self-aware enough that he understands when he’s stirring the pot or if he’s oblivious to what will happen if he answers questions a certain way. His fanbase is so loyal, they hang on his every word. Why? Because for years before “Zack Snyder’s Justice League” was released, he trained them to read between the lines and do what it takes to show their favorite filmmaker that they love him. All that to say, when he even remotely teases the possibility of him continuing his DCEU films with Netflix, his fans are going to listen, and they’re going to take action. No matter how far-fetched and ludicrous the hypothetical situation actually is.

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This is a necessary discussion because of a recent interview Zack Snyder had with CulturaOcio, where the interviewer asked him about the possibility of making more DC superhero films. For context, Snyder most recently said that the only reason he’d come back to making a superhero film for DC Studios would be if they let him tackle Frank Miller’sDark Knight Returns.” But that’s not the answer Snyder fans wanted to hear. They still believe there exists a chance that Warner Bros. would sell the filmmaking rights to the DC superheroes to Netflix to allow him to continue his “Justice League” saga. Obviously, anyone who understands how important the DC rights are to WB knows the studio would never part ways with them like that, especially in light of their major reboot with James Gunn and Peter Safran

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But that’s not interesting to talk about, is it? So, in the interview with CulturaOcio, Zack Snyder is asked an extremely far-fetched hypothetical question—if Netflix got the rights to the DC superheroes and he was asked to continue his “Justice League” saga, would he take jump at the opportunity? And what do you think Snyder said to that? Would he preface it by saying that would likely never happen, and there’s no way WB would sell those rights? Perhaps, he would just say no because he’s ready to move on to his “Rebel Moon” Netflix franchise? Nuh uh. He said the one thing that would make Snyder fans go apeshit.

“If Netflix owned the rights to the DC characters in my extended universe, of course! Absolutely. Yeah, no question,” replied Snyder.

Look, there’s nothing wrong with Snyder replying to a question like that with his honest answer. However, the more responsible thing would be to qualify his answer with context about the likelihood of it actually happening. Otherwise, it’s like that scene in “Dumb & Dumber”— “So, you’re telling me there’s a chance…” Ugh.

If you want to see a film that will definitely get released and is part of the new massive franchise Snyder is creating, then you can see “Rebel Moon—Part One: A Child of Fire” when it arrives on Netflix on December 22.