The Fashion Rocks supplement to this month’s GQ (not really online) has a little movie music related tidbit in the section dedicated to actress/musician Zooey Deschanel and the film “Yes Man,” starring Jim Carrey.
Deschanel fronts a fictional four-piece, all-girl band in the existential comedy called Munchausen By Proxy. In reality, Deschanel joined forces with the ladies from San Franciscan electropunk trio, Von Iva. Zooey D, who already has a budding music career with the band She & Him (with M. Ward), collaborated with the girls on new tunes that apparently “look back to both Blondie and girl bands of the eighties.” Hello, do we hear this cute little button channeling the G0-Gos with her friends? That we’d love to hear.
Deschanel describes her character in the film as a “free-spirited, hipstery-type girl who loves to sing and play music and actually says yes to life” (Carrey’s character starts out a jackass who says no to every single little request he can and then accepts a personal challenge to say yes to everything for an entire year).
Ok, so it’s a Jim Carrey movie and it sounds like saccharine twattery, but hey, ’80s-sounding synthy, girl-group songs by Zooey Deschanel. At least the soundtrack will give us something to look forward to.
Trailer: “Yes Man”