Eighty Minutes Of Ryan Reynolds In A Coffin? Indie Thriller 'Buried' To Be A Minimalist One-Man-One-Setting Show

We previously mentioned in passing the newly announced Ryan Reynolds’ indie thriller, Rodrigo Cortés’ “Buried,” which will find center on a civilian contractor who is kidnapped and buried alive in Iraq with only a cell phone, candle and knife at hand.

Reynold’s role was noted by the trades to be one that will “stretch his acting chops” as the film would be “one in which he holds the screen through most of the picture.” Sure, we thought, they’re a dime a dozen. And that was that – until an interview with Reynolds on Australian television caught our attention:

“‘Buried’ is the story about a guy whose buried (laughs). It’s the only movie I’ve ever heard of with only one person in it. So it’s just me, I’m the only person in the whole movie so, I don’t know, we’ll see. It’s either going to be, you know, the greatest, most experimental cool movie ever made or god knows what.” Wow, pretty bold, not to mention super minimalist and claustrophobic. Sounds like “Kill Bill 2,” in the sequence where Uma Thurman is buried under ground, but instead of being a brutal 10 minute sequence, it’s the whole excruciating picture.

Carson Reeves at Script Shadow provides further insight describing the script as “top-notch storytelling” by scribe Chris Sparling who “does a bang-up job creating tension” despite the fact “the whole thing took place in a coffin.” Eighty minutes of Ryan Reynolds in a coffin?! That’s ambition for you.

Shooting will begin this month in Barcelona.