Sam Rockwell Sheds Light On His Justin Hammer Character In 'Iron Man 2'

Now that we’ve lamented the death of cinema, let’s go to something more fuuuuuun! Like “Iron Man 2,” for example. MTV spoke to Sam Rockwell for the umpteenth time and this time actually got some details from him suggesting that the Justin Hammer character he plays will be different from the character in the comics. So we’re told anyhow.

“My character is the brains, not the brawn,” Rockwell said of his character. “They wanted to go with a rival for Tony Stark who is closer to his age, and make him American.”

In the comics, Hammer is apparently white-haired and elderly. “That looks like Jeremy Irons,” Rockwell joked about the comic character’s look. “I guess they couldn’t get Jeremy Irons for it.”

And apparently there’s a lot of freestyling on the set. Maybe because it doesn’t seem like they ever officially finished the script? (reports about two weeks before production started said a final script had not been delivered; whether this was to keep it under wraps is unclear).

“There’s a lot of improv,” Rockwell said. Hopefully none with those alleged dominatrix scenes with Gwyneth Paltrow. That could prove to be unwieldy.

“Iron Man 2” opens up in theaters May 7, 2010. Oh and let’s not forget, apparently ‘IM2’ is shooting at a Randy’s Donuts in Los Angeles tomorrow. Good luck with that.