Saturday, February 8, 2025

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Ezra Miller Swears The ‘Flash’ Film Is Coming & Will Be A “Real, Pure Offering” To Fans

Of all the casualties of the DCEU’s apparent crumbling after Zack Snyder’s involvement has been reduced to nothing, the saddest might very well be Ezra Miller’sFlash” film. The reason for this sadness isn’t because we believe that the “Flash” film will be some sort of cinematic masterpiece. Instead, we’re just bummed that Miller probably won’t get a chance for his own solo superhero film, which he has been so clearly amped about for years, only to watch “Wonder Woman” and “Aquaman” get all the glory. However, according to the actor, all hope is not lost yet. (Sure, okay.)

In a new interview, while promoting ‘Fantastic Beasts 2,’ Miller decided to give an update on the “Flash” film. And by update, what we really mean is that the actor breaks down the troubled pre-production (which include multiple directors coming and going and a perpetually delayed release date) and why he’s devoted to making the very best “Flash” film he can, even after all these years.

READ MORE: ‘Aquaman’ Director James Wan Says He Was Offered ‘The Flash’ & Explains Why He Turned It Down

“This movie’s going to be a real pure offering to the fans of this material,” explains Miller. “And we’ve hit a couple of points in the script’s development where we’ve looked at it and gone ‘This isn’t it, this isn’t it yet.’”

He continues, “I’m really delighted at how focused everyone is on getting it just right, and I’m really devoted to that as well. We won’t make the film unless it’s going to be this consummate beautiful offering to the fans, and to everybody.”

So what about the superhero film makes the actor believe they’re onto something unique and special? Well, it’s all about Barry Allen, aka the Flash, and his multiverse-spanning story.

“We’re talking about sparking a whole new universe,” Miller said. “It’s not just the DC multiverse, it’s the speedster multiverse. And the speedsters are the ones who connect all the disparate pieces of it. ‘Cause Marvel is a universe, right? It’s a world with all the same characters in it. DC is a multiverse – all these different stories with different realities, different characters and different versions of characters. And the speedsters are the ones who move through it all.”

READ MORE: Ezra Miller Talks Ben Affleck & Henry Cavill DC Film Rumors & Says His ‘Flash’ Film Will Be “F—ing Crazy-Dope”

Look, no one can doubt Miller’s love of the source material and his willingness to stick with it after repeatedly getting side-tracked by behind-the-scenes drama. That being said, with the state of the DCEU in disarray, and Warner Bros. looking more and more like it doesn’t want to focus on a cohesive universe, the idea of a “Flash” film seems to be a bit…dated. Sure, it might still be made and turn out to be really great. But at this point, it all just seems unlikely and too late to the party.

Speaking of unlikely, we have to quickly mention the dreaded “Snyder Cut” of “Justice League” that, much like the “Flash” film, seems to never be truly dead. This time, the Snyder devotees are all excited because of a social media interaction (via with the filmmaker’s son, which includes a hint that some “good things are coming soon.” No, that doesn’t mention the “Snyder Cut.” No, it doesn’t even mention “Justice League.” And yes, it could very well mean news about another totally unrelated project, like the director’s upcoming “Army of the DeadNetflix film. But alas, #ReleaseTheSnyderCut folks are SURE this means the coveted “Justice League” director’s cut is coming soon.

READ MORE: Zack Snyder’s Netflix Zombie Movie Is Not The ‘Dawn Of The Dead’ Sequel Developed In 2008 & Features Rewritten Script [UPDATED]

You may remember that leading up to last year’s San Diego Comic-Con, the same fans were building suspense for the Snyder Cut and how it would surely be announced at the event. Of course, it wasn’t. And as we’ve said a million times, even if this version of “Justice League” were completed (which it isn’t), WB would be silly to release it. They know that there is only a very vocal minority that would purchase the film, and most people don’t care about a longer, darker version of a terrible film from over a year ago focused on a universe that, as mentioned above, really doesn’t exist anymore. But I digress.

Sorry, Snyder fans, but we think this time, it’s just an ‘S’ (see below). Actually, you know what? Let them have their hope.

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