'Fraggle Rock' Director Cory Edwards Says Project Is In A "Deep Coma," Has Moved On

Well, the writing on the wall appeared last summer. A big screen take on "Fraggle Rock" has been in the works for a long time, but the production hit a bump last summer when writer/director Cory Edwards revealed that he was "struggling to stay in control of my own movie" and that The Weinstein Company wanted a new writer to take on the project to make it, uh, "edgier." And the situation has not improved.

Edwards recently posted an update on his blog (via /Film) in which he says that he’s heard nothing but silence from the Weinstein camp, which appears to be indecisive about getting a writer and starting all over the from scratch. Here’s what he had to say:

Many, many, many of you have repeatedly asked for some kind of update on the Fraggle Rock movie. The truth is, I got nothin’. There’s nothing to report except that The Weinstein Company has everything they need to move forward, and the ball is in their court. They’ve talked about getting a new writer, which I’m willing to do. They’ve talked about starting over from scratch, which I’m willing to do. But I have not heard a peep from their camp in almost a year. I completely sympathize with all of you that are waiting for a movie, but let’s all remember that the next best thing to making a Fraggle movie is avoiding making a BAD ONE. So at least we’re doing that. Until something new happens to awaken the project from its deep coma, we can at least enjoy the untainted TV series on DVD and The Hub Network. As for me, I’m already working on new things. I hope you’ll stick around and check in here… I’ll be announcing my next project very, very soon.

Well, that’s a bummer. "Fraggle Rock" is a cherished institution of our childhood and we were curious about a big screen incarnation, though it’s probably best that it’s not being rushed to market a half-assed attempt. Edwards previously directed "Hoodwinked!" for the studio, and the sequel arrives in theaters next month (though with absolutely no buzz, which may be a factor why The Weinstein Company won’t be too upset to see Edwards leave). The other thing to consider is that Disney‘s "The Muppets" will arrive this fall with a staggering roster of cameo stars, and the Weinsteins may not want to market a considerably less flashy puppet movie.

So, consider it dead for now. The Weinsteins clearly are in no rush with this project.