'Hostel 3' On The Way To Torture Viewers; 'Megamind' Puts Megastars On New Poster; 'Visioneers' Soundtrack Finally Released & More

The one-sheet for the forthcoming DreamWorks animated film “Megamind” puts its two biggest selling points front and center: Brad Pitt and Will Ferrell. Though we’d rather see the two square off in a live-action movie, this one seems like it could be some fun. The film opens on November 5th.

Oh, so apparently there are enough people out there to warrant “Hostel 3.” The film will shoot in August and the story (such as it is) will take us to Las Vegas “where a bachelor party goes horribly wrong.” So basically it’s “The Hangover” with way more torture. Eli Roth is not producing though we imagine the average viewer probably won’t care either way. Scott Spiegel (“From Dusk Til Dawn 2: Texas Blood Money”) is directing.

In case you forgot, Roman Polanski is still under house arrest in a Swiss chalet while he awaits his fate regarding the 33-year-old sex charges against him but the clock might be running out. With prosecutors pushing for his extradition to the United States, Swiss authorities have been waiting for appeals and counter-appeals to be filed before making a decision, but apparently that day may be fast approaching with a Justice Ministry spokesperson saying “it won’t be long.” Justice awaits?

The soundtrack to the 2008 pre-“Hangover” Zach Galifiniakis comedy “Visioneers” has quietly, finally been released. The 11 track disc features new Hooray For Everything styled music by Tim DeLaughter and the Polyphonic Spree. The albums is now available at the usual digital outlets.

E1 Entertainment has acquired the U.S. distribution rights to the indie depression drama “Helen” starring Ashley Judd and Goran Visnjic. The film has been languishing awhile after premiering at Sundance in 2009. It had a brief theatrical run in Canada earlier this year. The film stars Judd as the titular character whose “relationship with her husband (Visnjic) and teenage daughter (Alexia Fast) is thrown into turmoil when she plummets into severe depression. Her treatment leads her to Mathilda, an equally troubled young woman with a strangely restorative spirit.” We saw the film and frankly it’s awful, especially with its treatment of depression making those pharma ads on TV look positively nuanced by comparison. Trailer below: