Johnny Depp Would Consider Adjusting Schedule For Riddler Role In Fairy Tale Land Scenario of 'Batman 3,' Sorry, Terry Gilliam

We dislike posing, “what if,” scenarios to actors or filmmakers. It feels like pretty obvious traffic-bait and a way to cause headlines.

Some of the early ‘Batman 3’ rumors had Johnny Depp playing the Riddler and of course these reports turned out to be total bullshit because ‘Batman 3,’ isn’t even on the table — Christopher Nolan is knee-deep in “Inception,” and likely won’t be free until summer 2010.

Still, MTV posed the question to Depp, would you play the Riddler if asked?

“If the opportunity came, I’d definitely juggle it,” Depp said, alluding to his busy schedule in the upcoming few years. “I always liked the Riddler. I always liked Frank Gorshin. Frank Gorshin was brilliant. I always thought he was a great actor.”

Wait, a second, you’d leave your buddy Terry Gilliam in the lurch for the unfinished “The Man Who Killed Don Quixote,” because you’re “busy,” but you’d make room for Christopher Nolan, a director you’ve never worked with? Grrrrrrrreat, we know where your priorities lie, “Mr. Pirates Of The Caribbean 4: Extra Nacho Cheese.” Boo.