This summer a bunch of very attractive men are going to take it off and shake it in Steven Soderbergh‘s “Magic Mike.” Starring a calendar ready cast including Channing Tatum, Matthew McConaughey, Alex Pettyfer, Matt Bomer, Joe Mangianello and more, it will definitely be something different at the multiplex that will be filled with CGI and explosions over the next few months. JustJared has unveiled a couple new looks at the film, but if you think this is just light entertainment for the ladies, guess again.
A reader happened to get into an advance/test screening that took place recently and reported back to us that not only did this one play very well with the entire crowd — she described it as a cross between “Flashdance,” “8 Mile” and “All About Eve” — there could be awards in the mix if the voters are open-minded enough. “I don’t mind saying that I think it wouldn’t be out of place for him to garner a supporting nod for his performance in the Globes or the Oscars,” the reader told us about Matthew McConaughey’s performance. “He has never been more comfortable, more himself than in this role of a former stripper turned MC…This seems like a role he was built to play and he wears it like a pair of custom leather pants (of which he sports many). It’s controversial, but he should get a nod for his last 3 minutes onscreen alone. It’s astonishing and that’s all I will say.” Damn.
However, in what is looking like another stand out turn following “21 Jump Street,” Tatum once again shines. “[The film] belongs to Tatum. He owns every second he’s onscreen, and he’s never been more loose, easy and natural than in this role. He’s funny and charming in a way that I haven’t seen before…he’s at ease with his humor and wit in this role and it seems like he’s playing himself, his face and body relaxed, not tensed up like he is in most films,” the reader told us. “He is in almost every scene and he carries the entire film with ease.”
“Alex Pettyfer also gives a great performance, and probably the more difficult one, transitioning from naive kid to calculating party boy,” they added. And as for whether or not you can bring your boyfriend, our reader said: “the large thugged-out Mexican dude next to me loved it…so there ya go.”
“Magic Mike” opens on June 29th.