'Newness' Clip: Nicholas Hoult & Laia Costa Talk About Love

The connective spark with somebody new can be exciting, but does that flood of emotion always lead to love? That question is at the heart of “Newness,” the latest effort by Drake Doremus (“Like Crazy,” “Breathe In“). And today, we have an exclusive clip from the film.

READ MORE: ‘Newness’ Trailer: Nicholas Hoult Discovers Hookup Apps

Led by Nicholas Hoult (who also starred in Doremus’ “Equals“) and Laia Costa, the story follows Martin and Gabi, who meet through the dating app WINX, and find themselves talking into the early hours. It’s exciting, it’s new, and they rush into a relationship, go out on dates, and move in together. But is this love? It’s potent premise for our times, and we chatting with Doremus about online dating and working with his cast.

How did writing and directing “Newness” change your feelings about relationships started online or through apps?
Well, Ben York Jones wrote it but I think it made me question the whole idea that if we’re meant to meet somebody we kind of just will in real life. There’s no question that dating apps makes it easier to meet people but at a certain point it’s just numbers and sadly quantity over quality and we really wanted to make a film about the repercussions that the lifestyle of always being able to move on to something new would allow.
I know lots of people that met online and are happy. I think it’s really about taking a hard look at this new generation of young people who grew up with it and what that does to the head and the heart when there is always somebody new waiting if you get bored or if things get hard.
What made Nicholas Hoult and Laia Costa the right choices for the lead roles? Did any of their experiences inform the script?
Well, Nic and I really wanted to work together again on something and I was such a huge fan of Laia and really wanted to work with her so like always for me the casting process starts with who I’m desperate to work with and then the chemistry has to feel right in my head and here it was a no brainer for both.

There’s such a sense of youth and energy to them both that Martin and Gabby really needed.

Nic and Laia really brought something special out of each other.

Both were fearless and I think their performance together is incredibly brave considering the darkness and the sexual content. 

If you ever signed up for a dating app, what would the first line of your profile be?
I’m here for the fellow sloth enthusiasts.

“Newness” is available starting today, exclusively on iTunes. Check out our exclusive clip below.