Our Best Of Decade Coverage

Alright, the holidays begin for us today, so we might be a bit more intermittent than usual until around the 30th (you really never can tell). We’ll see. Hopefully starting around then you’ll get some more 2009 coverage out of us. Yes, the year will be over, but we like to spend the early part of January looking back and reflecting on the cinema that has passed, including Best Soundtracks of the Year, Best Films, etc. etc.

In the meantime, in case you somehow missed it, we spent the better half of December knee-deep in our Best of the Decade coverage which we figured we’d recap here unless you missed it. Our lists included:

2009 we’re saving ever so slightly cause we wanted to make sure we caught up on every film we could. We didn’t make a definitive Best of The Decade Films list itself because 1) that feels so daunting, 2) we did a list for every single year, but if you wanted to look at our number #1s from each year, technically (technically), our Best Films of the Decade list would look something like this if it was presented in no particular order other than the year they came out:

“In The Mood For Love” – Wong Kar-Wai
“The Man Who Wasn’t There” – The Coen Brothers
“Talk To Her” – Pedro Almodovar
“City of God” – Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund.
“Dogville” – Lars Von Trier
“Cache” – Michael Haneke
“Volver” – Pedro Almodovar
“There Will Be Blood” – Paul Thomas Anderson
“Che” – Steven Soderbergh

Again, that’s only if you simply list out our #1s. It’s not accurate, but it’s interesting to look at. Obviously if we did a true decade list we wouldn’t necessarily pick a film from each year; the lists themselves were never made on a voting system anyhow, so don’t quibble or freak out too much. If anything, they would be closer to the EIC’s personal list, but even then it would be off — surely posting this at all is opening a can of worms, but oh well… At the end of the day it should really only stimulate civil discussion.

And last but not least, here’s one more plug for our old Playlist Soundtrack Series, which is an excellent mixtape Holiday present if you don’t already have it for some reason.

Happy holidays to all and thanks for tuning in this year. We hope you’ll do the same in 2010.