Monday, March 3, 2025

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Shortcuts: “Scott Pilgrim” to Be Hand Drawn, Various Men in Hollywood Explore Jackassery

News is out from cast member Brandon Routh that Edgar Wright’s “Scott Pilgrim vs. The World” will feature hand drawn animation in some action sequences. No confirmation on the exact animation style to be employed yet and so fanboys are freaking the eff out. We’re gonna guess it’s the same style as the comics, geniuses. [Collider via First Showing]

Somehow Al Pacino got cast as the title role in a new “King Lear” adaptation. Apparently he now “feels ready” (read: old) to tackle the role. [Variety]

Weinstein Co. acquire the rights to award winning “Capote” book writer’s bio on Judy Garland: “Get Happy: The Life of Judy Garland.” What’s a barbiturate again? [Variety]

Garry Marshall is to direct “Valentine’s Day,” an ensemble comedy being fast tracked by New Line for release V-Day 2010. So at least you know what you’ll be doing next year. [Variety]

Columbia & Scott Rudin acquire the rights to two books dealing with the strange mental phenomenon of H.M., whose brain surgery to stop seizures induced by earlier brain trama left him unable to make new memories. [Variety]

Finally, one news bit completely devoid of assery: Barry Levinson is on board with the film version of WWII classic “Babi Yar,” accompanied by heavy financing from Russian equity investors, Polish & Ukrainian investors and location incentives from the Polish government. [Variety]

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