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Team Playlist’s Top 10 Films Of 2008

Ok, now that it's almost February and The Playlist team has had a chance to catch-up on all or most of the movies of the year (sort of), we belatedly present you with the overall Playlist group's top 10. Note: ...
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For Your Consideration, Academy

Maybe our feeling will change, but right now, we're not really feeling very excited for the Oscars or the nominations. Dunno, maybe it's because we feel this year like an abundant amount of deserving films are ...
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The Playlist’s Top 20 Films Of 2008

It's that time of year again. Remember the tried and true formula: experience + resonance= fantastic film. As we all know art is not made within the confines of a calendar year and release dates are arbitrary, ...
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‘Reprise’ Umbrage

We love the New York magazine guys, they do great work and seem like good people, but we take serious umbrage with their 2008 Best of Films piece that concerns the great Norwegian film "Reprise."Directed by Joa...
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Alphabetical Fave Films – A-Z Meme

It's Friday so time for another light-hearted post. Apparently a Alphabetical Favorite Film blogging meme has started where people are listing out their 26 favorite films, one to represent each letter of the al...